We expect our patients to be seen annually for a physical with the physician they have chosen as their Primary Care Physician. When seeking care for a problem or a sick visit throughout the year you can make an appointment with any Physician’s Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician in the practice


Scheduling regular well child visits with your child’s Primary Care Physician is essential to ensure that they receive the necessary immunizations and proper monitoring of their growth and development. We expect that all children and teenagers schedule visits per the Well Child Visit Schedule of our Practice. By following the CDC Child and Adolescent Immunization guidelines, you can help keep your child healthy and protected against preventable diseases. Additionally, your child’s physician can provide valuable guidance and support for any concerns or questions you may have about your child’s well-being.


CNY Family Care participates with electronic prescribing directly to your mail order and local pharmacies.  Our goal is to assist our patients with prescription requests in an efficient and timely manner.  Due to the volume of prescription requests, we have created the following guidelines to help meet these goals.

  • Please do not contact the office to request a medication refill. We ask that you contact your local Pharmacy to request a refill of your medication(s). The Pharmacy will then send your Provider an electronic refill request and your prescription(s) will be available within 48-72 hours.

(Please be aware that a few pharmacies such as CVS, CVS CareMark, Express Scripts, Humana Pharmacy, Target, and Walgreens are not able to send electronic refill requests on controlled substances). In those cases, please request your refill through the patient portal.

  • It is the patient’s responsibility to notify the office in a timely manner when refills are necessary. We ask that you request all refills at least 3 days before you will be completely out of medication. Approval of your refill may take up to three (3) business days. If you use a mail order pharmacy, please contact us fourteen (14) days before your medication is due to run out. We urge you to play an active role in your medication management and not allow your prescriptions to completely run out
  • Medication refills will only be addressed during regular office hours (Monday – Friday (7:30am – 9:00pm). Please notify your provider on the next business day if you find yourself out of medication after hours.
  • Prescription refills require close monitoring by your provider to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Your provider will prescribe the appropriate number of prescription refills to last until your next scheduled appointment. Generally, when you are down to zero refills, it is time to schedule a follow up appointment. We prefer you request any refills of your medications at the beginning of your office visit.
  • Patients requesting new prescriptions or antibiotics must be seen for an appointment. They are not prescribed over the phone because it generally requires an office visit.
  • Refills can only be authorized on medication prescribed by providers from our office. We will not refill medications prescribed by other providers.
  • Some medications require prior authorization. Depending on your insurance, this process may involve several steps by both your pharmacy and your provider. The providers and pharmacies are familiar with this process and will handle the prior authorization as quickly as possible.  Only your pharmacy is notified of the approval status.  Neither the pharmacy nor the provider can guarantee that your insurance company will approve the medication.  Please check with your pharmacy or your insurance company for updates.
  • It is important to keep your scheduled appointment to ensure that you receive timely refills. Repeated no shows or cancellations will result in a denial of refills.
  • If you have any questions regarding medications, please discuss these during your appointment. If for any reason you feel your medication needs to be adjusted or changed, please contact us immediately.
  • Our providers participate in the New York State Prescription monitoring program

List of Pharmacies who Participate in Electronic Refill Requests

Pharmacy Name eRx Refill eRx C2/Controlled
Alliance Rx Walgreens Prime YES YES
Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy YES NO
CVS Pharmacy YES NO
Dougherty Pharmacy YES YES
Express Scripts YES YES
Humana Pharmacy Mail Delivery YES NO
Kinney Drugs YES YES
Martin’s Point Mail Order YES YES
Mayo Clinic Pharmacy YES YES
Optum Rx Home Delivery YES YES
Price Chopper YES YES
Rite Aid YES YES
Target (CVS) YES NO
The Medicine Place YES YES
The Medicine Shop YES YES
Village Pharmacy YES YES
Walgreens YES NO
Walmart YES YES
Wayne Drug YES YES
Wegmans YES YES


ALL PATIENTS: Please bring the following with you to each appointment:

  • Driver’s License/Photo ID
  • Current Insurance Card
  • List of all current prescriptions and over-the-counter medications including dose and frequency
  • Copies of any recent test results and any medical reports that belong with these results
  • Information about your medical and/or surgical history
  • Any insurance forms that would need to be completed
  • Any questions you may have for the doctor/provider


If you are an established patient but have not been seen in 3-5 years, please call the office at 315-463-1600. You will be asked to verify and update your personal information. A staff member will provide you with your patient portal activation code if you have not already activated your patient portal account. You will need to update and submit a patient portal history and submit it. A representative will reach out to you within 14 days from the submission of your portal history update to schedule your appointment.


Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. It is given to all new patients, and a copy is available upon request. At your first visit to our office, you will be asked to provide your signature acknowledging that you are aware and understand this policy.


Our Financial Policies clearly outlines the policies that impact our patients. Each patient will be required to review the policy and accept the terms at your first appointment.


Immunizations are the single most important medical measure that a parent can do to keep their child healthy. CNY Family Care adheres strictly to the immunization guidelines of the American Academy of  Family Practice and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for the Centers for Disease Control.  Click here to visit the website.  We DO NOT alter the immunization schedule based on individual requests. Multiple studies support the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in preventing disease and death. Protecting children from vaccine-preventable illness is one of the most important things we can do to insure that your child lives a long and healthy life. Because we care about your children, we require our patients to adhere to the minimum required vaccines for school attendance in New York State.  Click here for the USA Today report on the latest study showing that there is not a link between childhood vaccines and autism.

Notice to Parents of minor children: ALL children under the age of 17 must have a parent (or legal guardian) with them to sign paperwork that is required to receive any immunization(s).

As of 2015 in New York State, the following vaccines are required

  • DTaP
  • (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis)
  • IPV (polio)
  • Meningococcal
  • MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Hepatitis B, Varicella (chickenpox)
  • HIB (hemophilus Influenza type b)
  • Prevnar (pneumococcus)

The following vaccines, while highly recommended, are not required by New York State for children to begin attending school:

  • Hepatitis A, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
  • Annual Influenza vaccines.


We are proud to be a part of a Medicare Accountable care Organization (ACO.) This special Medicare program is designed to better meet your health needs and coordinate your care.

As a Medicare Beneficiary, you are eligible for a free Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV). These visits provide you with an opportunity to connect with your primary care provider (PCP) to create a personalized prevention plan based on your unique health needs. Please keep in mind, Annual Wellness Visits are not the same as a routine physical. The chart below outlines what you can expect out of your Annual Wellness Visit versus a routine physical:


  • Review your health risk assessment
  • Discuss your family and medical history; discuss any risk factors
  • Reconcile your current prescriptions and other treating providers
  • Measure and document your height, weight, and blood pressure
  • Look for signs of memory loss or frailty
  • Review any chronic conditions that you may be managing
  • Review any preventative measures and screenings


  • Visually check your body for signs of existing health issues
  • Examine your eyes, ears, nose, and other parts of your body for abnormalities
  • Measure and document your height, weight, and blood pressure
  • Listen to your heart and lungs
  • Test your motor function and reflexes
  • Perform pelvic and rectal exams

Please note that any non-preventive services provided during this preventive visit will be billed separately, and a co-pay may apply.

For further information, please click on the attached link. Feel free to ask questions at any time by calling our office at 315-463-1600 or during your next visit with us.


CNY Family Care has a “No Photo, Video or Recording” policy.

Photography, video, or audio recording of any kind is not permitted within, nor outside the premises of CNY Family Care.

This policy is in place to protect patient privacy, enhance confidentiality, and maintain security. With your safety and the safety of practice staff in mind we ask that you refrain from videotaping or taking photos, videos, or recordings of any kind with your camera, cell phone, smart phone, tablet, or any other device without prior consent and supervision of the practice CEO. For additional information, please speak to a manager on-site.

If you would like to obtain copies, electronic images or other records of your medical visits, please sign in or register for our Patient Portal or contact us to access your medical records.

Thank you for your cooperation and consideration of all our patients.