While masks are not required, we kindly ask that you wear a mask if you have potentially been exposed to COVID-19, are currently undergoing testing for COVID-19, or you are feeling unwell.

What’s New?


CNY Family Care has taken measures to keep our staff and patients safe during this pandemic. We screen our patients for symptoms, exposure risk, and recent travel prior to their appointment to mitigate the spread of COVID 19. We apologize, but you may be screened more than once. It is our expectation that our patients will cooperate and be honest when answering any screening questions for the safety of our staff and patients. Any failure to be completely honest may result in discharge from the practice.

If you are experiencing two or more of the following symptoms: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, cough, sore throat, congestion and/or runny nose, or new loss of taste or smell, please call and notify us before your appointment.

CNY Family Care is no longer requiring all patients to wear a face mask or cloth face covering. We do still ask our patients to wear a mask if they have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, are currently being testing for COVID-19, or are feeling unwell. Patients are welcome to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the Practice as well.

Telemedicine visits are available under certain circumstances, for example, if you are exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or have had recent exposure to someone with COVID-19.

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Information
We’ve been been receiving an influx of calls from patients asking if we have the COVID-19 vaccine booster available; they are also inquiring about the eligibility requirements to get the booster shot. According to the guidance provided by the CDC, individuals who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech version of the vaccine can receive the booster. The FDA has not approved the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson varieties of the COVID-19 booster for distribution.

These booster doses are widely available at pharmacies, local health departments, clinics, federally qualified health centers, and other locations across New York State. You can contact your local pharmacy to see if they are administering booster doses. All you need to prove that you are eligible is to provide a written self-attestation confirming your eligibility. You do not need anything from your provider saying that you are eligible for the booster.

For more information about eligibility and where you can receive the COVID-19 vaccine booster, visit the websites below.


COVID-19 Vaccine Update 
Latest Guidance from New York State
For current COVID-19 testing site information (as of 10/5/21) please click Here

For information about New York’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Plan please visit covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov.
For up-to-date COVID-19 information for Onondaga County please visit covid19.ongov.net/vaccine 

The information below provided by the Centers for Disease Control may also be helpful in answering any questions you may have regarding the COVID-19 vaccine:Answering Patient Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Understanding and Explaining mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Summary Triage of Patients Presenting for COVID-19 Vaccine